When an individual passes away, it's not uncommon for the loved ones to have a funeral service before laying them to rest. The function can consist of multiple details and personalization depending on the individual, but there is an alternative option that creates a different kind of ambiance. After the funeral or cremation services in Boones Mill, VA, have been completed, a celebration of life could be held, so here's more information on this event.
When you think of funeral service, you might picture people dressed in black in deep states of grief. A celebration of life is an alternate to this that offers a more uplifting and joyful experience. The event's focus is usually based on the positive aspects of the loved one's life and how they affected others in a lively way. The event can be personalized depending on the uniqueness of the individual and is heavily encouraged to offer a way to express their individuality.
The celebration of life is like other funeral events where there can be multiple various details to plan a thoughtful event. But the difference with this service is not there's more focus on positive it. Numerous information can be included to create the function, and here are just a few ideas to choose from.
The first thing you'll need to decide is where the function will be held. If the individual had a favorite place they loved to visit, such as a park, you might consider reserving a space at that location. Another option is to choose a private residence or property of a friend or family member or function at the funeral home or crematory.
Once you've established the location for the event, you will need to start looking at details such as:
Some celebrations of life include dancing and singing or even bonfires depending on who the individual was. When creating this event, the focus is to have it reflect the individual's uniqueness and highlight that aspect of them. When it comes to decorations, you might pick favorite colors, or if the individual had a favorite hobby, you could include items that reflect their interests.
A celebration of life can be a highly beneficial and healing experience for the attendees, especially if it's thoughtful and personalized around the individual's life. It can be confusing to plan services after a loved one passes away, so you want to make sure you're working with a company that understands the processes.
Conner-Bowman Funeral Home & Crematory is a locally owned and operated company that takes great pride in focusing on the highest quality customer service on the market for our community. We understand the pain of loss so if you have lost a loved one and require cremation Services in Boones Mill, VA, give us a call today to schedule an appointment.
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