Long before the time comes for your funeral service in Roanoke, VA, you should take some time to think about your death in terms of the life you are living now. Will you have fulfilled all your hopes and dreams? Will you have spent quality time with your family and friends? Will you have left a legacy for your family to continue? Will your life have mattered?
By thinking about death now, you can take stock of where your life is and whether or not you can or will be able to answer, “Yes,” to all these questions.
In our modern society, we are often so busy and so distracted that we don’t regularly just stop and set time aside to take stock of our lives. Many people find themselves at the end of their lives wishing they’d done more in some areas and less in other areas, and they review their lives in terms of regrets instead of in terms of fulfillment.
You have an opportunity, by thinking about your death, to change the course of your life so that you don’t come to the end of it with regrets, and so that you can say, “I’ve had a good life all the way.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has, for some people, given a bit of time away from the hectic lifestyles we were living. You may have had more time at home, even if you were working, interacting with your family. You may be exercising more as you get out and walk, bike, or jog around your neighborhood. You may have learned things about your spouse and your children that you didn’t know.
While the stay-at-home orders may have seemed like a burden to some, one thing you may have experienced is a shift in how you look at life in general. You may have spent many late nights at work, often getting home when the rest of your family was already asleep.
You may have had a long commute to and from work that made your workday even longer, and left you somewhat sleep deprived and suffering from fatigue and other health issues.
Your family may have had every waking hour, even on weekends, booked with activity. You spent more time in your car driving hither and yonder than you did at home. Most of your meals may have been eaten out, either sitting down in a restaurant or driving through a fast food place.
You may have been tethered to your electronic devices, either for work or playing games, all the time. If so, this left you little time to pursue your own interests or do things that you have always wanted to do.
Now, you’ve had a chance to do some resetting, and thinking about your death is part of that resetting. When you think about your death, what do you want to change about your life going forward to make sure you don’t have any regrets?
The future is in your hands and this is a perfect time to make sure your life is aligned with what you hope to have done, to have been, and to have left behind when you die. Although no one would have wished a pandemic on the world, the silver lining for you is that you can think about changes you want to make in your life going forward, so that you have no regrets when you die.
For additional information about having a funeral service in Roanoke, VA, our caring and knowledgeable staff at Conner-Bowman Funeral Home & Crematory can assist you.
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